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Dance Teacher Education Schools in the Northwest

In 2024, we ranked 9 schools offering dance teacher education and dance therapy majors in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. ranks University of Washington Seattle, University of Oregon (Eugene, OR), and Lewis & Clark College (Portland, OR) the top three teacher education schools in the Northwest.

See the best 9 teacher education schools in the Northwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northwest.

Top 9 teacher education schools in the Northwest:

University of Washington Seattle - Dance School Ranking
1. University of Washington Seattle

Seattle, WA, 1 teacher education program

University of Oregon - Dance School Ranking
2. University of Oregon

Eugene, OR, 1 teacher education program

Lewis & Clark College - Dance School Ranking
3. Lewis & Clark College

Portland, OR, 1 teacher education program

Western Washington University - Dance School Ranking
4. Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA, 1 teacher education program

Boise State University - Dance School Ranking
5. Boise State University

Boise, ID, 1 teacher education program

Idaho State University - Dance School Ranking
6. Idaho State University

Pocatello, ID, 1 teacher education program

Central Washington University - Dance School Ranking
7. Central Washington University

Ellensburg, WA, 2 teacher education programs

Brigham Young University Idaho - Dance School Ranking
8. Brigham Young University Idaho

Rexburg, ID, 1 teacher education program

Western Oregon University - Dance School Ranking
9. Western Oregon University

Monmouth, OR, 3 teacher education programs

Dance teacher education schools in the Northwest by state:

Schools by State3 Teacher Education Schools in Idaho3 Teacher Education Schools in Oregon3 Teacher Education Schools in Washington

Teacher education schools in other regions:

Midwest: 20 schools
Northeast: 18 schools
South: 36 schools
Southeast: 26 schools
West: 8 schools

Popular dance school cities in the Northwest:

in Idaho:
Boise: 1 school
Moscow: 1 school
Pocatello: 1 school
Rexburg: 1 school
Twin Falls: 1 school
in Montana:
Missoula: 1 school
in Oregon:
Eugene: 1 school
Forest Grove: 1 school
Monmouth: 1 school
Portland: 3 schools
in Washington:
Bellingham: 1 school
Ellensburg: 1 school
Seattle: 2 schools
Spokane: 1 school
in Wyoming:
Casper: 1 school
Laramie: 1 school
Rock Springs: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology